BWA WARSZAWA is pleased to present Gossipmongers with new and recent works by Philipp Gufler (DE, 1989), Karol Radziszewski (PL, 1980) and Jaanus Samma (EE, 1982), who share an artistic interest in overlooked queer histories. With their research-based practices, the artists look at key moments and figures that have disrupted hetero-normative structures in the past centuries. Each of them has a specific focus on their respective region of origin and residence. Radziszewski’s research mainly relates to Poland and the larger Eastern European region, while Philipp Gufler looks at his country-of-origin Germany and the Netherlands, where he is currently based. Samma comes from Estonia and predominantly revisits histories of people from the Baltics. The exhibition includes paintings, quilts, tapestries, prints and other works that relate to the narratives of Eric Stenbock (UK, 1860 – 95), Charlotte Charlaque (DE, 1892 – USA, 1963), Toni Ebel (DE, 1881 – GDR, 1961), Elisar von Kupffer (EE, 1872 – CH, 1942) and Stanisława Walasiewicz (PL, 1911 – USA, 1980). text: Léon Kruijswijk
Wystawa zbiorowa


26.09.2024 - 30.11.2024

Phi­lipp Gufler (Germany/​The Nether­lands) spans vario­us media in his prac­ti­ce, inc­lu­ding silk­scre­en prints on fabric and mir­rors, artist books, per­for­man­ces and video instal­la­tions. For the video instal­la­tion Pro­jec­tion on the Cri­sis (2014), he began rese­ar­ching into the self-orga­ni­sed archi­ve Forum Queeres Archiv Mün­chen, of which Gufler has sin­ce beco­me an acti­ve mem­ber. The human body is also a cen­tral focus of his prac­ti­ce, featu­ring pro­mi­nen­tly in his silk­scre­en prin­ted mir­rors series and in the video instal­la­tion, The Respon­si­ve Body (2019). In his quilts, a series of silk­scre­en prin­ted fabrics, Gufler makes refe­ren­ce to arti­sts, wri­ters, maga­zi­nes and lost queer spa­ces.
His work has been pre­sen­ted in insti­tu­tions such as Kun­sthal­le Mainz; Museum Bran­dhorst, Munich; Haus der Kunst, Munich; Neu­er Aache­ner Kun­stve­re­in, Aachen; Cen­tra­al Museum, Utrecht; Kun­stve­re­in Düs­sel­dorf; De Aeliers, Amster­dam; Schwu­les Museum in Ber­lin.

Karol Radzi­szew­ski (b. 1980, Poland) is a mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry artist, wor­king across film, pain­ting, pho­to­gra­phy and instal­la­tion. His archi­ve-based metho­do­lo­gy, cros­ses mul­ti­ple cul­tu­ral, histo­ri­cal, reli­gio­us, social and gen­der refe­ren­ces. Sin­ce 2005 he is publi­sher and edi­tor-in-chief of DIK Faga­zi­ne, and has foun­ded the Queer Archi­ves Insti­tu­te in 2015. His work has been pre­sen­ted in insti­tu­tions such as Museum of Modern Art, War­saw; Whi­te­cha­pel Gal­le­ry, Lon­don; Kun­sthal­le Wien, Vien­na; New Museum, New York; Pho­enix Art Museum, Pho­enix; Wal­ker Art Cen­ter, Min­ne­apo­lis; Vide­oBra­sil, São Pau­lo; Tokyo Pho­to­gra­phic Art Museum, Tokyo; Kun­sthaus Graz, Graz; Wroc­law Con­tem­po­ra­ry Museum, Wroc­law; Zache­ta Natio­nal Gal­le­ry of Art, War­saw and Muzeum Sztu­ki in Lodz. He has
par­ti­ci­pa­ted in seve­ral inter­na­tio­nal bien­na­les inc­lu­ding PERFORMA 13, New York; 7th Göte­borg Bien­nial; 14th Bal­tic Trien­nial and The Veni­ce The­ater Bien­na­le.

Jaanus Sam­ma (b.1982) is a visu­al artist based in Tal­linn. He gra­du­ated from the Esto­nian Aca­de­my of Arts with a BA in gra­phic arts (2005) and an MA in fine arts (2009). His body of work inc­lu­des pho­to­gra­phs, instal­la­tions and vide­os with topics that have been gro­un­ded in the stu­dy of urban spa­ce and the sub­jec­ti­ve expe­rien­ces of it. Over the years his inte­re­sts have moved towards gen­der stu­dies, inve­sti­ga­ting the repre­sen­ta­tion of male sexu­ali­ty and ways of por­tray­ing this by arti­stic means. His fields of inte­rest inc­lu­de histo­ry, eth­no­gra­phy and muse­olo­gy as well as the nar­ra­ti­ves used at the inter­sec­tion of the three.
His work has been pre­sen­ted in insti­tu­tions such as Kumu Art Museum in Tal­linn; Nomas Foun­da­tion in Rome; Kia­sma in Hel­sin­ki; HKW in Ber­lin; Mal­mo Art Museum; Natio­nal Museum of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art Athens (EMST); Meet Fac­to­ry in Pra­gue. Sam­ma repre­sen­ted Esto­nia at 56th Veni­ce Bien­na­le and par­ti­ci­pa­ted in seve­ral inter­na­tio­nal bien­na­les inc­lu­ding 2nd Riga Inter­na­tio­nal Bien­nial of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art.
