The latest works of Jakub Czyszczoń are infused with a spirit of a peculiar ecology—newspaper sheets, dry leaves, and fragments of clothing are fused together by the artist using oil paint, forming distinctive compositions. Two untitled pieces in the current exhibition, encased in wall-mounted display cases, evoke the image of radioactive puddles or artefacts from a museum yet to be built. The choice of materials is both unexpected and deliberate, revealing, upon closer inspection, the artist’s fundamental method. Its essence lies in a game of concealment and revelation. Czyszczoń is not driven by an analytical intent, but rather by an intuitive approach—observing details from a distance and within the broader context.


  • Jakub Czyszczoń


01.02.2025 - 29.03.2025
W trakcie

The domi­nant colo­ur in the exhibition—vermilion—is char­ged with a cer­ta­in ambi­va­len­ce. It is akin to life-giving red, yet almost toxi­cal­ly vivid. The lar­ge-sca­le Unti­tled pain­ting (2023–24) con­si­sts of fabric cut­tings affi­xed to the canvas—excess mate­rial that sha­pes the textu­re of the work. The resul­ting ima­ge is a dra­wing of distor­tions, resem­bling a topo­gra­phic map, an enlar­ged frag­ment of skin, or an MRI scan. Czysz­czoń is drawn to the kin­ship betwe­en phe­no­me­na pre­ci­se­ly whe­re devia­tions and pro­tru­sions emer­ge. A fit­ting exam­ple is a smal­ler work on board (Unti­tled, 2023–24), whe­re an ear­thy red-brown canvas wraps aro­und a plant stem like a ban­da­ge on a bro­ken bone.

Folia­ge simul­ta­ne­ously obscu­res the struc­tu­re of a tree whi­le defi­ning its sha­pe; clo­thing insu­la­tes the body yet does not con­ce­al the human sil­ho­uet­te. The info­sphe­re ope­ra­tes in much the same way, enve­lo­ping the world in an opa­que lay­er of text. Is the­re any­thing that ages faster than today’s new­spa­per? Czysz­czoń col­lects mate­rial tra­ces of bro­adly under­sto­od life pro­ces­ses to reve­al the­ir essen­tial unity—their cease­less trans­for­ma­tion.
