The forthcoming solo exhibition of the artist’s work at Import Export organised in collaboration with Franciszka Themerson Estate.


  • Franciszka Themerson


21.02.2025 - 05.04.2025
W trakcie

Fran­cisz­ka The­mer­son was born in War­saw in 1907. She lived in Paris 1938–40, and from 1940 in Lon­don until her death in 1988. She was prin­ci­pal­ly a pain­ter, desi­gned and illu­stra­ted books and desi­gned for the the­atre. She was born, as her parents said, with a pen­cil in her hand, and dra­wing thro­ugho­ut her life was at the heart of her work. She col­la­bo­ra­ted with her hus­band, the wri­ter Ste­fan The­mer­son, on expe­ri­men­tal films, illu­stra­ted books for chil­dren which he wro­te, and in 1948 foun­ded with him the avant-gar­de publi­shing com­pa­ny Gaber­boc­chus Press, of which she was the art direc­tor.
