Stereo is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Piotr Bury Łakomy, titled The Visit. Known for his original combination of synthetic and organic materials, the artist presents a series of new works created in 2024. Łakomy continues to develop his interest in the relationship between the human body and architecture, while remaining faithful to his core materials, with aluminium honeycomb playing a central role. However, the artist’s latest works – the Zjawy and Each and Every Cell series – may surprise with a shift towards painting.
Piotr Bury


26.09.2024 - 09.11.2024
  • The human figu­re has been pre­sent in Łakomy’s work sin­ce the ear­ly sta­ges of his prac­ti­ce, when he loose­ly adop­ted Le Corbusier’s Modu­lor as his ini­tial sys­tem of measu­re­ment. Even works of a com­ple­te­ly abs­tract natu­re, whe­ther assem­bla­ges the size of doors or win­dows, or three-dimen­sio­nal sculp­tu­res suspen­ded from the ceiling, are con­fi­ned to anth­ro­po­me­tric dimen­sions and pro­por­tions. With simi­lar con­si­sten­cy, the artist refe­ren­ces dome­stic spa­ces and the­ir essen­tial ele­ments, such as the hal­l­way, living room, and bedro­om.
  • Łakomy’s exhi­bi­tions always evo­ke a sen­se of inha­bi­ta­tion. When discus­sing his pain­ting prac­ti­ce, the artist empha­si­ses the aspect of move­ment within that spa­ce. His latest works push back aga­inst the flat repre­sen­ta­tion of scre­ens and, ulti­ma­te­ly, the pas­si­ve con­sump­tion of con­tent. Thro­ugh the rich­ness of textu­res and the flic­ke­ring of cel­lu­lar struc­tu­res, they pro­vo­ke move­ment aro­und them. Łako­my takes a step towards figu­ra­tion, but the forms of his ‘phan­toms’ disin­te­gra­te into frag­ments or shar­pen une­xpec­te­dly from a cer­ta­in angle, appe­aring only spec­tral­ly. The vie­wer enco­un­ters only tra­ces of them, and the­ir recent visits.
